simulations suck

so don't do them

i never did a single Becker simulation

ok that’s a lie

but i barely did any

i hated them

they sucked the life out of me

when i’d open one up i’d start sweating and fidgeting

idk what it was but i hated them

so i almost always skipped them

they werent necessary

once I had a decent understanding of how the simulation software works and the general types of questions they might ask, i was set

i learned the content other ways (mcqs, lectures, etc.)

and then just applied that knowledge to the simulations on the exam

it worked perfectly fine for me

but don’t get the wrong idea

im not saying anytime you don’t want to study something you can skip it

but if you feel like something is not 100% necessary…

and it completely kills your motivation to study…

then yeah i’d say feel free to skip it

you don’t need to have completed every aspect of the course perfectly

just make sure you feel prepared and ready, no matter how you get there

perfection isn’t the goal

passing is.

happy studying!


P.S. Keep up the good work guys. These exams are tough but you’re tougher. Keep it up!