You're doing too much

time to cut back

Almost everything you’re doing is pointless.

You can should stop doing most of your tasks. They aren’t helping you.

Pareto’s principle (aka the 80/20 rule) says; that 80% of results come from 20% of actions. It’s found everywhere. In business, nature, art, academics, and on and on.

  • 20% of your friends take up 80% of your attention.

  • 20% of workouts give you 80% of your results.

  • 20% of the population owns 80% of the wealth.

  • 20% of investments produce 80% of gains.

To put it another way; 80% of your life circumstances can be attributed to 20% of the things.

This begs the question, what is my 20%? What are the things that are bringing in most of my results?

I challenge you to reflect on this. Whether it’s regarding the CPA exam or anything else. What is helping you the most? Double down on that. Continue to give it focus as it drives so much of your results.

And what is part of the other 80%? What is costing you time and energy but not giving you much in return? Try to cut those tasks out of your life or at least reduce the time you give them.

Think about the well-oiled machine you would become if you did this exercise monthly. You would cut all the fat and nonsense that doesn’t help you. You would be spending more time and energy on the things that actually matter.

Try it. Reflect weekly. Hope it helps.

Have a great day!
